Picture Galleries
I regret that due to the hacking I referred to in
the home page of this website, the gallery is having to be rebuilt from
scratch. Hopefully, this will take place over the next few days. please be
patient while I undertake this extensive and undeserved task!
Here you will find pictures of some of the beautiful
animals we breed together with their accommodation. Simply select the gallery and click on the thumbnails to see a
full-size picture.
There are now 4 galleries available
Each is displayed with a sample picture below. Simply click on the picture or gallery title to access it.
Album title: Agamids and Iguanids The Agamids are a large group of lizards found mainly in the warmer zones of the Old World. The Iguanids are their New World counterparts. Most species of both groups have at least some very spiny scales.
Album title: Lacertids The Lacertids are a large family of Lizards found primarily in Europe and Asia although a few do get into Africa. Often referred to as the "Typical Lizards", I probably keep more of these than all the others put together.
Album title: Native amphibians & reptiles A few shots of some of our native species - unsurprisingly since they are my greatest interest the Lizards predominate in this gallery.
Album title: Vivaria This small gallery includes a few shots of the vivaria in which I keep some of my animals